Books, Catalogs, Magazines
Björk Digital
Björk Digital is a 77-page catalog designed to accompany a global traveling exhibition of the same title featuring the VR projects created for the Björk’s album Vulnicura. I wrote the essays after interviewing a long list of artists involved with each of the six projects, including Andrew Thomas Huang, Warren Du Preez, Nick Thornton Jones, Jesse Kanda and James Merry. Organized by Jonathan Wells and Meg Grey Wells of Flux, and exquisitely designed by Juliette Cezzar, Björk Digital is definitely the most beautiful book I’ve been involved in. See it here.
David O. Russell: Interviews
In this book, David O. Russell talks with Mary Sweeney, Diane von Furstenberg, Alexander Payne and Spike Jonze, among others. I worked with David and his team to find material that wasn’t already well-known and to best show the evolution of his career, from Spanking the Monkey and Flirting With Disaster to Silver Linings Playbook and American Hustle.
Fast Forward: The Future(s) of the Cinematic Arts
Based on five years spent immersed in the arts-based research culture of USC’s School of Cinematic Arts, this book highlights a series of experiments pointing new paradigms of image-based storytelling. The book revels in the dismantling and reconfiguration of cinema within a culture transformed by computation and algorithms, databases and archives, sensors and surveillance…
New Digital Cinema: Reinventing the Moving Image
Originally published in 2005, this book was recently reissued, but it’s really about the transition from the ’90s to the aughts, from analog to digital, and builds on five years editing and curating with the RES team.
The New Ecology of Things
An early experiment in transmedia design, this publication includes essays on pervasive computing, videos documenting project experiments, fiction, a glossary and more, contained in a “book” that, with its dust jacket and QR codes, expands into other media forms. This was an exciting project at Art Center, led by Phil van Allen, Anne Burdick and Nick Hafermaas. I served as the text editor, and watched in awe as the designers enacted new forms of reading, writing and making.
RES Magazine
I joined the RES team in 2000 and spent five years editing the magazine and co-curating RESFEST. This cover, by Jens Gehlhaar of Brand New School, was one of my favorites.
Filmmaker Magazine
Scott Macaulay and I co-edited Filmmaker for five years between 1992 and 1997; I left, he stayed, and the magazine is thriving, thanks to Scott. This was always a favorite cover.
Scratching the Belly of the Beast
This survey show for LA Filmforum organized by Jon Stout with a collaborative group of curators was documented in this lovely catalog, which I had the honor to edit, way back in 1994.